Russian Innovative Fuel And Energy Company achieves ISO 50001:2018 Certification


Upstream, midstream, and downstream are the three sub-sectors that make up the oil and gas business, with downstream being further broken down into refining and marketing/distribution. While some companies in the oil and gas industry work in all subsectors, others focus solely on extraction, transportation, and system for maintaining reservoir pressure in fields.

Commitment Towards Being Sustainable

One such company is Russian Innovative Fuel and Energy Company which promises to use energy efficiently. As a result of the adoption of ISO 50001:2018 certification, they have undergone creative adjustments to lower emissions into the atmosphere and protect natural resources. Favorably contributing to the mitigation of the effects of climate change. Management will lead and encourage energy-saving initiatives to guarantee that the organization follows the rules specified in this policy.

To improve energy efficiency and reduce the pertinent greenhouse gas emissions, they will create goals and targets. Management will ensure that the tools and information are available to accomplish them. Russian Innovative Fuel And Energy Company will continuously enhance the use of energy resources at its facilities and during its activities throughout its entire life cycle by improving the technology and process design as well as the operation of its facilities. Additionally, it will encourage the purchase of products and services that save energy.

In terms of energy performance, such as energy efficiency and the use and consumption of energy, they will ensure that all applicable laws as well as other regulations that the company abides by are followed. To ensure compliance with any changes made to the current legal structure, the company will also encourage the adaptation of its operations and facilities. Additionally, it will establish universal principles for the management of energy efficiency across all regions and countries where it conducts business.

They will provide accurate and transparent information to all interested parties on their energy usage, the accompanying greenhouse gas emissions, and the corrective actions taken to increase awareness among all stakeholders. Every employee of Russian Innovative Fuel And Energy Company is expected to “comply and ensure compliance” with this policy, according to the company.


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