PANDA 555 ASOCIADOS S.A.C. Gets ISO 50001:2018 Compliant


The international community’s top objective is to conserve energy resources. The economic, social, and technological environments in which people live have a significant impact on the construction business in the contemporary world. Building materials and technologies are developing new forms and ideas, and structures are becoming more environmentally friendly and harmonious with their surroundings. At the moment, everyone is focused on concerns relating to increasing the economy’s energy efficiency. Projects for energy-efficient homes are growing in popularity. PANDA 555 ASOCIADOS S.A.C. has made several attempts to make its business more sustainable in the time ahead.

In their bid to reach this goal, PANDA 555 ASOCIADOS S.A.C. made their move to get compliant with ISO 50001:2018 standard.

Knowing fully well the environmental strain experienced during the construction and installation of projects is another crucial part of their decision which led them to adopt ISO 50001:2018 certification. It calls into question the necessity of creating economically and technically competent criteria for construction and design, whose adherence would be checked not only during the project documentation stage but also while the construction progresses.

Considering the potential for reducing energy expenditures and resource consumption at each level ISO 50001:2018 certification becomes crucial for any organization. And even if the methods for designing and operating real estate assets are thoroughly researched from the perspective of energy conservation, energy efficiency issues are not given enough consideration during the project implementation phase. To increase resource conservation and energy efficiency in the execution of installation and construction works, ISO 50001:2018 certification develops a plan by analyzing the accumulated experience and requirements for passive and energy-active structures.


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