Phenomenal Energy Ltd sets the new industrial benchmark for employees’ safety with ISO 45001:2018 Certification


Phenomenal Energy Ltd, a Nigerian-based company, has a global outlook and competitiveness. The organisation offers engineering, inspection, and maintenance services for oil and gas infrastructure and associated industries. The company uses their in-depth technical expertise acquired through training and practice to provide engineering and inspection solutions for Deepwater and shallow water facilities. They additionally offer Deepwater assets in Nigeria, the best in class underwater inspections.

Phenomenal Energy Ltd received IAS-accredited ISO 45001:2018 Certification to demonstrate its commitment to the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS).

The scope of the certification includes Engineering Design but is not limited to Feasibility/Conceptual Design, Front End Engineering Design (FEED), Green and Brown field engineering consultancy services etc. Materials / Metallurgy Consultancy & Support includes detailed materials & metallurgy & welding handbook for projects. Inspection includes conventional NDT inspection like Manual Ultrasonic Testing, Magnetic particle inspection, Vacuum box Testing and in-line Inspections (Pigging) etc. Non-conventional inspection techniques like Automated Ultrasonic Testing (AUT), long Range Ultrasonic Testing (LRUT), MFL, Phased array UT, TOFD, UT Guided Wave etc. Facility Maintenance involves Asset Integrity Management and fitness for Service Analysis. Industry Specific Training and Personnel Development.

What is ISO 45001:2018 Certification?

ISO 45001 certification is a widely recognised standard known for a comprehensive occupational health and safety management system. It provides a framework for organisations to identify and control workplace hazards, promote workers’ safety, and continuously improve their health and safety performance by reducing workplace accidents, diseases, and deaths. 

Benefits of ISO 45001 standard for Phenomenal Energy Ltd

ISO 45001:2018 certification offers a goldmine of benefits to Phenomenal Energy Ltd. These are:

  • Organisations must adopt efficient risk management systems and processes to reduce workplace accidents, illnesses, and injuries. Moreover, it boosts employees’ morale by demonstrating an organisation’s responsible behaviour towards their safety and well-being.
  • Organisations that adhere to ISO 45001 requirements ensure their compliance with all applicable health and safety rules and regulations. It lowers the risk of fines, legal action, and reputational harm.
  • ISO 45001 promotes systematic assessment and management of occupational health and safety risks to enhance operational effectiveness.
  • ISO 45001 certification proves a dedication to health and safety, giving a competitive edge in the market and attracting clients and stakeholders who value employee well-being.


Phenomenal Energy Ltd is a Nigeria-based company known for providing engineering, inspection, and maintenance services. Moreover, ISO 45001 encourages the systematic assessment and management of occupational health and safety issues and improves operational performance.


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