L`AZURDE COMPANY FOR JEWELRY Pledged To Make The Jewelry Industry More Eco-Friendly


L`AZURDE COMPANY FOR JEWELRY constantly aims to refine and advance the jewelry industry. L`AZURDE always aspires to perfection and precision and transforms inspiration into unique masterpieces. They are experts in the art of jewelry design, manufacture, and distribution of jewelry. The company is the 4th largest jewelry manufacturer globally. The global brand believes in sustainable and continuous progress, and acquiring an ISO 50001 certification demonstrates its economically and socially responsible behavior.

What Is ISO 50001:2018 Certification?

ISO 50001:2018 certification is a globally recognized prototype for Energy Management Systems (EnMS). It provides a robust framework for maximum energy efficiency and protects resources from getting wasted. ISO 50001 standards emphasize adopting eco-friendly technology and techniques to reduce adverse environmental impacts.

What Are The Negative Impacts Of The Jewelry Industry On Nature?

Jewelry indeed beautifies the beauty of human beings. Sometimes it symbolizes love, and sometimes it is considered a token of fortune. You can effortlessly purchase jewelry from any shop; however, converting stones into beautiful jewelry is one complex process. The negatives impact of the jewelry industry on nature is as follows:

  • Diamond and gold mining operations damage the ecosystem and environment in different ways. 
  • Mining activities conducted by organizations adversely impact the quality of soil, land life, and green cover. 
  • It causes around 3.1 tons of earth’s displacement and 2534 liters of water usage. 
  • Chemicals used in mining and manufacturing, such as Mercury and Cyanide, have poisoning consequences on nature. 

How is ISO 50001:2018 Certification Helps Jewelry Industry?

ISO 50001:2018 certification offers the following benefits to L`AZURDE COMPANY FOR JEWELRY:

  • Adopts Environmental-Friendly Mining Techniques

The frequently used mining techniques used by organizations are open pit and underground mining, which leads to the emission of CO2 into the environment. Implementing ISO 5 0001:2018 certification demonstrates L`AZURDE’s commitment to adopting eco-friendly measures and reducing CO2 emissions. Modern techniques such as in-situ leaching fulfill the organization’s needs without causing soil erosion and interfering with the earth’s surface.

  • Reuses Mining Waste

Mines produce a lot of waste materials, more than the absorbing capacity of the land. It also uses tailings that damage the environment. Energy Management System (EnMS) has provisions and ways to reuse the waste generated by jewelry companies in the initial stages.

  • Eco-Friendly Methods and Technologies

The objective of ISO 50001:2018 certification is to reduce carbon emissions and eliminate factors that cause adverse harmful impacts. It promotes the use of modern techniques and environmental-friendly methods to improve an organization’s overall performance. The standard fosters a green economy and sustainable development.


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