Difference Between ISO Accreditation and ISO Certification



ISO stands for INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATION FOR STANDARDISATION. Achieving ISO Accreditation implies that you have exhibited your processes and assistance are top class in their quality, safety, effectiveness reassuring for both you and your customers. Every country has its own version of UKAS (that is for IRELAND and its INAB)

Achieving ISO Accreditation implies that you have exhibited your processes and assistance are top class in their quality, safety, effectiveness reassuring for both you and your customers


ISO CERTIFICATION is a seal of approval from a third party body that an organization runs to one of the international standards developed and published by the International Organization for Standardization. The ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization that brings together experts to share information and develop international standards that support innovation and give answers to worldwide difficulties. ISO Certification providers like ourselves can have full support. We give guidance through telephone support and visit you twice a year.


In everyday use, the expressions “ISO ACCREDITATION” AND “ISO CERTIFICATION” are used interchangeably, but there is a vast distinction between the terms. Structurally, ISO Accreditation involves showing an organization is able to perform ISO TESTING and ISO QUALITY checks up to different International Standards. In other words, Accreditation is used to confirm that organizations have a suitable quality management system set up, and can appropriately perform specific test techniques according to the scope of accreditation. Structurally, it involves showing an organization is able to perform ISO TESTING and ISO QUALITY checks up to different International Standards.

For example, in Australia, JAS-ANZ is the internationally – recognized appraisal body It can give ISO license to an organization like BEST PRACTICE CERTIFICATION –   perceiving the credibility. Capability, Integrity, and capacity to survey with ISO GUIDELINES. This is turn allows Best Practice Certification to issue ISO Certification to companies in Australia.

Since we are a JAS-ANZ and ISO- Certified Accreditation body, we can lead a wide range of congruity evaluation tasks- and grant award certification to companies that meet the necessary requirements.

 Interestingly, ISO Certification means that a company meets certain ISO Standards, and is provided by a third party and can assess other companies to determine if they meet ISO Standards- and issue Certifications accordingly. It takes 6-8 weeks of the delivery period to achieve ISO certification but can vary from organization to organization. Their costs are different and can vary depending on the size of the organization and the level of the company.

ISO TRAINING- In ISO Training you are fully trained on how to implement and maintain an effective management system to its potential

ISO CONSULTANCY- In ISO CONSULTANCY, you can conduct a GAP Analysis, helping to identify where you are now and where you need to be to achieve your target.


The terms Accreditation and Certification are used occasionally together. The difference between the two can be demonstrated easily. Certification means that there is a written assurance by a third party of the conformity of a process or service to specified requirements.

Accreditation is described as the independent third party endorsement while Certification is described as the third-party endorsement of an organization’s systems or products.

Certifications refer to the company as a whole while Accreditation refers to when organizations receive accreditation for specific activities.   ISO Accreditation and ISO Certification are important and essential factors when it comes to ISO AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.

Accreditation refers to a formal acknowledgment or recognition by an independent body whereas Certification refers to the provision by an independent body of written assurance.


ISO Standards are internationally agreed upon by experts. The most popular ISO Standards are ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2014, ISO 27001:2013. By far there are 14 ISO Standards the most popular being ISO 9001.

Henceforth, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 are the most important ISO Standards and they are applicable to many types of businesses and organizations. ISO International Standards impact everyone and everywhere. This is a recognized standard for creating a quality management system in the country. These standards make sure that the products are safe, secure, reliable, and of good quality.


  • Effectively demonstrate consistence to clients and interested parties.
  • Boosts assurance to customers.
  • Better internal management and processes with increased productivity, profit and efficiency.

Guaranteed Customer Acquisition and Retention.


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